10 Actors Who Play The Same Character in Every Movie

6. Russell Brand

Style: Eloquent Commoner Straight out of the Mighty Boosh vein, Russell Brand invariably always approaches roles as Russell Brand, albeit slightly caricaturized versions. If you€™re a UK reader, you€™ll probably remember Brand as that snotty but eloquent TV host, famous for his appearance on Big Brother€™s Big Mouth or Russell Brand€™s Ponderland (which I admittedly found hilarious). Brand is one of those rare, larger than life personalities. By all accounts he always has been. And he€™s like Marmite; you either love him or you hate him. Should you hate him, you avoid him like the plague. But should you love him, you pay to see him. You don€™t pay to see Aldous Snow, drug-addicted Rockstar. You pay for Russell Brand, ex-drug addicted TV and Film personality. And that, at the core, is what he is. A personality. I€™ve yet to see him graduate to €˜actor€™ and while I€™m one of the few who sits on the fence (I do like Russell Brand in moderation; that said, I can see why people hate him) I€™d be pleasantly surprised to see him challenge himself by accepting a role which fundamentally relies on the strength of the character as opposed to the current popularity of his public persona.
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Stuart believes that the pen is mightier than the sword, but still he insists on using a keyboard.