10 Actors Who Put Themselves Through Hell For Upcoming Movies

4. Jennifer Lawrence Cut Her Eyelids In A Botched Stunt - Don't Look Up

Dune Stellan Skarsgard

Jennifer Lawrence will co-star opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in Adam McKay's new movie Don't Look Up, playing a lowly astronomer who attempts to convince humanity of the imminent danger of a comet on course to destroy Earth.

Adam McKay isn't exactly a director most people would associate with danger. His films, such as Anchorman, The Big Short, and Vice, are better known for their dialogue than their splashy action sequences, so where's the risk?

Unfortunately Lawrence suffered a minor but wince-inducing injury while shooting a scene back in February, when a controlled glass explosion went awry and catapulted shards into her face, resulting in one of her eyelids being cut.

Shooting was immediately halted and the next day's filming cancelled while Lawrence was taken care of, though she was fortunately back on set the day afterwards.

Even so, had things gone slightly differently the story could've been much more dire for the A-lister, who sported a prominent gash on her eyelid when shooting resumed (which will presumably be painted out in post-production).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.