10 Actors Who Put Themselves Through Hell For Upcoming Movies

3. Tom Cruise Trained For Months To Drive A Motorcycle Off A Cliff - Mission: Impossible 7

Dune Stellan Skarsgard
Paramount Pictures

There's no A-list actor working today who more willingly throws themselves in harm's way than Tom Cruise.

And though incredible safety precautions are obviously taken for his stunt work on the Mission: Impossible movies, it still presents a non-zero risk that he could get injured or, god forbid, even die.

And Cruise was of course at it again for the seventh Mission: Impossible film, where in an attempt to top the death-defying stunts in previous films - which included dangling off the side of the Burj Khalifa, hanging from a plane, and piloting a chopper for real - he drove a motorcycle off the edge of a cliff and deployed a parachute in mid-air.

Cruise described the stunt, which he spent months training for, as the most dangerous of his career due to the numerous variables which could affect the outcome - namely, wind conditions, the chopper filming the shot, and his angle of departure from the cliff ramp.

Thankfully, though, he clearly made it out in one piece, and if raw footage captured on set is any indication, it's going to look absolutely insane in the movie itself.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.