10 Actors Who Reclaimed Some Dignity In 2017

7. James Franco

Blade Runner 2049 Jared Leto

Where It All Went Wrong: In Dubious Battle, Why Him?

The Redeeming Movie(s): The Deuce (HBO), The Disaster Artist

James Franco's career has always been a series of ups and downs, mostly based on his willingness to do just about anything.

One minute he's the lead in a big studio film, the next he's writing, directing, and starring in some indie flick - the latter of which rarely seems to go well. But this year Franco has reestablished himself not only as a fine comic performer in upcoming film The Disaster Artist (which is earning him rave reviews from those fans and critics lucky enough to have seen it), but as an actor capable of real nuance.

His best work of the year, though, can be glimpsed in David Simon's new HBO series The Deuce, in which Franco plays twin brothers - Frankie and Vincent Martino - with remarkable skill. What makes him so great here is that he chooses to define each brother minimally, to the point where you're not always sure which one you're watching - then, boom, he makes a tiny gesture, and suddenly you're clued in.

Whereas most actors would have been quick to ensure each brother was depicted as the very opposite of the other, the choice here - though risky - pays off in droves; there is something mesmerising in the subtle way that Franco renders these siblings; it feels incredibly real, and that is something to be applauded.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.