10 Actors Who Refused To Change Their Bodies For Movie Roles

8. Gene Hackman Won't Go Bald For Anyone - Superman

Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider
Warner Bros.

Not for the last time on this collection of stars who refused to physically alter themselves for the sake of a part, here's an actor who simply would not budge on their follicle stance.

But whereas the other names on this list were completely against picking up a can of hair dye or simply changing up their preferred style a touch, the legendary Gene Hackman had to deal with the reality of kissing goodbye to his beloved locks completely in order to play the arch-nemesis of the Man of Steel himself.

And just how did he deal with this staple of the supervillain's well-known look? Well, he told Warner Bros. where to go, of course. A decision likely influenced by Richard Donner already mischievously tricking The French Connection star into getting rid of his moustache for the 1978 flick.

Instead, Hackman sported a bald cap for the eventual moment Luthor is finally revealed in all his slap-head glory in the closing stages of the flick. But even that moment came after the star had outright refused to be seen in a skin-coloured swimming cap, only to ultimately relent for that aforementioned moment he was sent to jail by Supes.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...