10 Actors Who Refused To Change Their Bodies For Movie Roles

6. Marlon Brando Refused To Look Anything Like His Part - Apocalypse Now

Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider
United Artists

The horror... the horror that must've been coursing through Francis Ford Coppola's own body when acting icon and all-round loose cannon Marlon Brando opted to catch just about everyone involved in Apocalypse Now off-guard with his decision to take Colonel Walter Kurtz in an unexpected direction.

Despite playing what had been described as a starved army colonel in the Vietnam War epic, the star of A Streetcar Named Desire rocked up to set weighing 300lbs. On top of this, Brando suddenly decided one day that a hairless Kurtz was the way to go for the flick, so swiftly did away with his luscious locks without consulting anyone.

Brando's refusal to fit into what had been physically planned for the role of the decorated officer who turns rogue also led to the decision to shoot the star in shadows for the most part, with the self-conscious performer also demanding that he be kitted out entirely in black in order to not draw too much attention to his frame.

Say what you want about his questionable preparation, but there's no arguing with the fact that this chaos also gave birth to yet another iconic Brando turn for all to behold.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...