10 Actors Who Refused To Change Their Bodies For Movie Roles

5. Sarah Jessica Parker Won't Dye Her Hair Red Again - Footloose

Nicolas Cage Ghost Rider
Paramount Pictures

Much like Daniel Craig later down the road, Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker was simply having none of it when she was faced with the prospect of having to thoroughly switch-up her hair colour back in the mid-80s. But much like the now-departing 007, the actor brought in to play Rusty in 1984's Footloose more than had her reasons.

Parker had just spent a significant amount of time on Broadway playing perhaps one of the most famous red-heads ever to grace pop culture in Annie. Then, after finally growing out the red hair dye that she'd detested sporting throughout the run, she was asked to dive back into the ginger world if she wanted to be part of Herbert Ross' movie.

As you'd expect, Parker didn't fancy this one bit and ultimately declined the role. Her replacement, Tracy Nelson, then didn't exactly work out either, leading to the studio once again turning to Parker and eventually accepting her demands to refrain from having to cut or dye her locks for the part.

Who knew hair colour could cause quite this much behind-the-scenes drama, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...