10 Actors Who Shot Movie Scenes Without Permission

4. Scoot McNairy & Whitney Able - Monsters

caroline munro last horror film
Vertical Films

Gareth Edwards' directorial debut Monsters put him immediately on the map, yet despite its impressive level of polish was made for just $500,000 back in 2010, with Edwards creating all of the visual effects himself on his home computer.

Though the end result seems massively controlled and mapped out, Edwards started shooting without a script or storyboards, simply writing an outline for actors Scoot McNairy and Whitney Able to work from.

Despite filming in five countries - the U.S., Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Belize - Edwards, his two cast members, and five crew members largely filmed in locations they found without seeking any local permission whatsoever.

The seat-of-the-pants, improvisational production allowed Edwards to simply drive around until he found a compelling location to shoot in, often roping in locals as extras.

Because Monsters was shot with pro-sumer digital cameras and had such a minimal cast and crew, the shoot seemingly didn't attract much unwanted attention, despite how impressively cinematic the end result looks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.