10 Actors Who Spent FOREVER Preparing For Tiny Movie Roles

9. Brett Goldstein - Thor: Love & Thunder

Hail Caesar Channing Tatum
Marvel Studios

While it's absolutely expected that the lead actor in a superhero movie will spend many months working out and devouring as much protein as humanly possible, things get a little different where cameos are concerned.

Ted Lasso star Brett Goldstein appears in Thor: Love and Thunder's post-credits scene as Hercules, and spends a whole five seconds on screen before the scene abruptly cuts to black.

In interviews, Goldstein revealed that despite the miniscule nature of the role, he spent the two weeks leading up to it working out like a madman in order to develop a physique even remotely befitting a demi-God.

However, Goldstein evidently wishes that he had far more time to get in shape for the part, no matter how little time he actually spent on set.

When discussing the role with director Taika Waititi before agreeing to sign up, he ensured to remind him that he's a "skinny comedian," and not to expect miracles within two weeks.

Ultimately Goldstein may not have given us a stereotypically ripped Hercules, but he certainly looked in solid shape, apparently aided by him doing 400 push-ups on the day of filming.

And while Goldstein might've preferred more time to get buff, given that this was a seconds-long cameo with no guarantee that he'll be reprising the role anytime soon - if ever - two weeks was still an insanely long prep time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.