10 Actors Who Stole Movies In A Single Scene

7. Millen Baird - M3GAN

Glengarry Glen Ross Alec Baldwin

For all of the killer android mayhem in M3GAN, arguably the best scene in the entire movie is a simple interaction between two human characters.

After M3GAN (Amie Donald) kills Gemma's (Allison Williams) neighbour Celia (Lori Dungey), Gemma is interviewed by a detective (Millen Baird) with a rather peculiar - that is, hilariously unprofessional - manner.

The detective brings up one of M3GAN's prior victims, a young boy named Brandon (Jack Cassidy), and reveals that Brandon's ripped-off ear was discovered 200 yards away from his body, before suddenly letting out a laugh.

After a moment, the detective collects himself and says to Gemma in total deadpan fashion, "Sorry, I shouldn't laugh," before continuing on with his line of questioning without missing a beat.

Baird appears in the film for just a single minute-long scene, and yet his darkly comedic performance caught plenty of notice from viewers on social media, enough that prominent news outlets even contacted the New Zealand actor for interviews.

Furthermore, director Gerard Johnstone revealed that he had to fight to keep the scene in the movie, due to Blumhouse producers feeling that it was too perverse and risked derailing the film's tone.

Yet Johnstone won out, and the result is M3GAN's most weirdly memorable and downright entertaining moment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.