10 Actors Who Suffered Horrific Deaths

Sharon Tate

There are so many thousands of actors out there that barely a day or two goes by where we can't read about one dying, and on the balance of probabilities, that seems pretty logical. But every so often, an actor dying will prove so shocking - either due to the actor's stature or the nature of their death - that it captures the attention of the public and becomes a national story. These 10 actors were all popular and celebrated in their own ways, and all suffered a tragically premature - and more to the point, utterly horrifying - end to their lives, one which has in many respects overshadowed their actual artistic accomplishments. Many of these deaths continue to be debated today, as in some instances, the 100% truth will likely never be revealed. Here are 10 actors who suffered horrific deaths...

10. Phil Hartman Shot Dead By Wife, Who Then Killed Herself

Phil HartmanWho Are They?: Celebrated Emmy-winning comedian for his work on Saturday Night Live, and most prominently as the voices of Troy Maclure and Lionel Hutz (among others) on The Simpsons. He also memorably played Ted, Arnie's douchebag neighbour in Jingle All the Way. Cause of Death: On the night of May 27th, 1998, Hartman argued with his wife Brynn, threatening to leave her if she started using drugs again. High on cocaine, she responded by creeping into the bedroom while he slept, and shooting him three times with a .38 caliber handgun. After confessing to friends and the authorities being alerted, Brynn shot herself dead in the bathroom, leaving their two children without both parents.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.