10 Actors Who Thought They Were Playing Other Comic Book Villains

1. Rhys Ifans (The Amazing Spider-Man)

Riddler Jesse Eisenberg.png

Who He Was Supposed To Play: Dr. Curt Connors is a brilliant researcher who wants to help himself and find a global solution to fixing lost limbs. When he experiments on himself, he becomes the Lizard, but Connors still fights for good and tries to suppress the beast, very much like a Jekyll and Hyde scenario.

Who He Really Played: While the origin was the same, Connor’s quick decision to embrace his dark side bears far more resemblance to Spider-Man’s most well-known villain, the Green Goblin. The key flaw in Ifans’s performance was that he made Connors seem evil instead of just the Lizard.

It could be argued that the formula was adversely affecting him, but regardless of the cause, the ruthless, vindictive Connors was much more like Norman Osborn than the benevolent scientist he was in the comics. Osborn embraced the Goblin, he wanted to do bad, and used the Goblin as an excuse to justify it. He’s completely off his rocker as opposed to simply transforming into a monster, a feat that Ifans used in his portrayal. The Lizard is a great villain in the comics, but apparently Ifans was already a fan of a much more well-known character we had already seen before.

Check out The Amazing Spider-Man over at Amazon.

Do you think some of these actors got turned around by the comics? Who else seemed to be playing the wrong villain? Let us know in the comments.

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Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.