10 Actors Who Totally Blew Star Wars Auditions

3. Kelsey Grammer

Glen Powell Solo a Star Wars Story

Like Sylvester Stallone, a young Kelsey Grammer was in the mix for Han Solo and went to audition for George Lucas, which basically turned out to be a brief conversation between the two before Lucas sent him on his merry way.

In an interview with Conan O'Brien, Grammer revealed that Lucas took one look at him and told him he was too old to play the "younger guy" (Luke Skywalker) and too young to play the "older guy" (Obi-Wan Kenobi), but might suit the sci-fi fairytale's John Wayne-type character, Han Solo.

Grammer was confident that he could play the part, while Lucas told him that he'd think about it, and that was the last that Grammer ever heard from the director.

Grammer said that he moved on with his life and forgot about the audition, and two years later while working as a theatre actor, he went to see Star Wars and had a sudden moment of realisation, that this is the movie where he auditioned for "the weird guy, that guy Lucas."

He added with a smirk that he "really missed one there," though accepted that things eventually worked out well for him regardless.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.