10 Actors Who Tried Way Too Hard To Be Edgy

7. Ryan Gosling - Only God Forgives

Joker Suicide Squad

Having carved a smooth career trajectory from Mickey Mouse Club member through Hollywood heartthrob to talented indie lead, Ryan Gosling had a career-defining moment when he starred in Nicolas Winding Refn's neo-noir masterpiece Drive in 2011. His turn as the brooding and enigmatic Driver marked the beginning of a string of dark, serious and violent roles for the diverse actor.

2012's The Place Beyond The Pines saw him play the unhinged stuntman and bank robber Luke Glanton, who felt a little like the Driver turned up to 11, but his performance still had heart and worked well with the rest of the ensemble cast. It was Winding Refn's next effort, Only God Forgives, that felt like a step too far in this particular direction however.

Seemingly trying to make the 2011 lightning strike twice, Winding Refn and Gosling took the gorgeous cinematography, oppressive atmosphere and brutal violence of Drive but forgot one crucial element - the film's heart. Whilst exceptionally well presented, the film is an arduous slog through the Thai underworld, with Gosling's bare-knuckle boxer Julian exuding all of the Driver's simmering rage but none of his inherent likeability.

Fortunately, Gosling has managed to avoid being typecast in these roles since, and remains one of the finest actors of the generation.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.