10 Actors Who Virtually Guarantee A Terrible Blockbuster Movie

9. Brenton Thwaites

Ben Affleck Daredevil

Brenton Thwaites is currently experiencing the most sustained success of his relatively young career thanks to his starring role as Dick Grayson on Titans, and based on his track record he should probably avoid signing on to any studio blockbusters for the foreseeable future.

2014's The Giver was one of the countless YA adaptations that sank without a trace in the wake of mediocre reviews and disappointing box office, while he also played a supporting role in Disney's Maleficent, a movie nowhere near as good as over $750m in takings would have you believe, and one that was redeemed solely by Angelina Jolie's lead performance.

The Aussie then had the misfortune of taking top billing in the laughable Gods of Egypt, before playing the most substantial role out of all the newcomers in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Tales, which turned out to be the worst entry yet in a franchise that had been plagued by the law of diminishing returns with each new installment.

A lot of actors tend to do much better work when massive budgets and mountains of CGI aren't involved, and Thwaites certainly looks to be one of them given his misadventures in the blockbuster realm.


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