10 Actors Who Virtually Guarantee A Terrible Blockbuster Movie

8. Jamie Foxx

Ben Affleck Daredevil

If handed the right material, Jamie Foxx can be a fantastic actor, as proven by his Academy Award-winning performance as Ray Charles and the likes of Michael Mann's Collateral and Quentin Tarantino's Django Unchained.

However, when the budgets get higher, the chances of the movie turning out to be great become increasingly diminished. Foxx has taken starring roles in Stealth, Miami Vice, White House Down and Robin Hood, all of which cost at least $100m to produce, and every single one tanked at the box office following some less-than-enthusiastic reviews.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 may have turned a profit, but the lukewarm reception nonetheless marked the final nail in the coffin for the Andrew Garfield-led franchise, with Foxx's Electro coming across like a rejected member of the Blue Man Group instead of a viable threat to everyone's favorite neighborhood web-slinger.

As mentioned previously, Jamie Foxx is a very good actor in the right project, but the evidence shows that those projects need to made for a relatively thrifty sum to bring the best out of him.


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