10 Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

5. Natalie Portman - Thor: The Dark World

Thor The Dark World Jane Foster Natalie Portman
Marvel Studios

Natalie Portman didn't exactly give a stellar performance as Jane Foster in the first Thor, but at least there wasn't the sense that she was only in the movie to avoid being sued into oblivion by Marvel Studios.

Thor: The Dark World, however, was a whole other story.

Portman was initially excited about appearing in the sequel when Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman) was hired to helm, which would have made her the first woman to direct a major superhero movie (we're not counting Punisher: War Zone, kay?).

However, due to the ever-popular "creative differences", Jenkins was eventually let go and Game of Thrones' Alan Taylor hired to replace her, leaving Portman furious and reportedly even eager to quit the project altogether.

But skipping out on a Marvel Studios contract is no picnic, and so Portman took her lumps and appeared in the sequel against her wishes, as is hilariously obvious in the movie itself.

Now, there are many, many things wrong with the MCU's worst movie, but Portman's comatose performance is especially problematic given that Jane is a pivotal part of the film's plot.

Hell, the post-credits scene where Jane is reunited with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) was shot with a double - Hemsworth's wife, Elsa Pataky, funnily enough - because Portman wasn't available/couldn't be bothered.

The story got weirder last month, however, when it was announced at Comic-Con that Portman will be returning to the MCU for the fourth Thor film, Thor: Love and Thunder, where she's set to play a female version of the Asgardian superhero.

Quite what the motivation was for Portman's return remains unclear - money, the opportunity to play a major female superhero or the desire to work with Taika Waititi? - but we can assume she won't be giving another visibly pained performance this time.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.