10 Actors Who Visibly Hated These Movie Roles

4. Will Arnett - Show Dogs

Show Dogs Will Arnett
Global Road Entertainment

Show Dogs is one of the worst movies to be released in cinemas over the last few years, following an FBI agent (Will Arnett) who teams up with a police dog (voiced by Ludacris) to go undercover at a dog show and rumble an animal smuggling ring. Yup.

As brilliantly funny as Arnett can be, even he is unable to do anything whatsoever to elevate this film, and as evidenced by his total non-event of a performance, he doesn't even try.

His only real piece of acting in the film is hiding an ongoing existential crisis as he ponders whether his salary for the movie - which, with its mere $5.5 million budget, couldn't have been much - was worth the dignity lost.

Arnett is in total "take the money and run" mode here, looking completely disinterested, bored and perhaps even vaguely annoyed that he's in the movie. Mercifully, Show Dogs was a modest success at best, so it's unlikely he'll be lured back for a sequel at least.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.