10 Actors Who Were Miscast As The Villain

8. Vince Vaughn (Norman Bates) - Psycho

Fantastic Beasts
Universal Pictures

In the case of Vince Vaughn attempting to do his best to live up to the billing of being the second-coming of Psycho's Norman Bates, throwing the relative newcomer into such sizeable shoes had the potential to be a masterstroke if Gus Van Sant managed to pull a performance from his star as equally unexpected and eventually unsettling as Anthony Perkins' work in the original.

Sadly, trying to recapture lightning in a bottle with such an instantly iconic character, and film for that matter, isn't as easy as shooting the entire thing again in colour with new actors and hoping for the best.

But it was Vaughn's fidgety and uncomfortable for all the wrong reasons work as Bates that still sits as the most jarring element of a wholly pointless remake, with the Swingers thespian doing little more than a badly pitched impression of what he classed as a "mad man" during the 1998 flop.

Vaughn has since proven he definitely possesses some serious acting chops, mind. But he simply wasn't the star for the unenviable Psycho job in those earlier days.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...