10 Actors Who Were Uncredited For Insane Reasons

1. He Was Blacklisted - Nedrick Young (House Of Wax - 1953)

John Doe Seven
Warner Bros.

In the 1953 version of House of Wax, Nedrick Young appears as Professor Henry Jarrod's (Vincent Price) assistant Leon Averill, though is oddly missing from the movie's end credits.

This was because Young was one of the many Hollywood creatives blacklisted by the industry throughout the 1950s and 1960s for refusing to either confirm or deny membership in the Communist Party.

As a result, to maintain employment in Hollywood Young opted to take the part uncredited, ensuring his presence in the film didn't rustle any feathers among trigger-happy studios.

Young's blacklisting woes didn't end there, though, and he continued to be regularly uncredited throughout the rest of the 1950s.

In 1959, however, Young won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for writing the classic Stanley Kramer drama The Defiant Ones, but because he was still blacklisted, he couldn't accept the credit himself, instead going under the pseudonym "Nathan E. Douglas."

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