10 Actors Who Were Uncredited For Insane Reasons

6. He Didn't Want Disney To Sell The Movie With His Name - Pauly Shore (A Goofy Movie)

John Doe Seven

Get ready for a laugh, because this one's truly deranged.

In A Goofy Movie, Pauly Shore provides the voice of Robert "Bobby" Zimuruski, a close school friend of Max (Jason Marsden) and P.J. (Rob Paulsen), yet despite being a relatively well-known comedian at the time, he oddly isn't credited on the film at all.

The reason for this? Shore didn't want Disney to try and sell the movie on his name, and so opted to be uncredited entirely.

Shore apparently made this decision after Disney used Robin Williams' name to promote Aladdin despite him originally only agreeing to voice the Genie if his name and likeness weren't used in the marketing.

Now to be fair to Shore, he was indeed a relatively successful stand-up comedian in the mid-90s, but even so, it's quite the presumption that Disney would want his name and face front-and-center.

All the same, in Shore's case Disney actually respected his request, likely because he was formally uncredited (unlike Williams), and also to avoid repeating the PR fiasco of betraying Williams' wishes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.