10 Actors Who Will Ruin 2019 Films

2. Will Smith - Aladdin

Will Smith Genie Aladdin
Disney & Entertainment Weekly

Will Smith may be a mountain of charisma, but Robin Williams he is not.

Casting the Genie was always going to be the toughest aspect of Guy Ritchie's live-action Aladdin movie, but absolutely nothing we've seen or heard of Smith in the movie suggests he's right for the part.

The initial casting raised plenty of eyebrows itself, then Entertainment Weekly released a typically garish photoshoot showcasing the icky design of Smith's Genie.

Looking more like the performer from your local Christmas panto than an A-list actor making millions of bucks in a Disney-endorsed movie, Smith could be setting himself up for yet another in a long line of well-intended yet ultimately humiliating roles.

Smith has at least confirmed that he'll be blue for most of the movie, but honestly, injecting CGI colouration into his performance could just make it even worse.

Disney fans the world over desperately want this project to succeed, but it just keeps striking the wrong note, and it all starts with Smith.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.