10 Actors Who Would Be Awesome In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

4. Steve Buscemi As Baron Mordo

buscemi mordo Steve Buscemi is an awesome, awesome actor. But you already know that. The guy€™s filmography has such an interesting range that I can€™t help but feel he€™s destined to end up in the MCU somewhere. The guy has been recently working hard on Boardwalk Empire, reminding the whole world that he is an excellent dramatic actor. But he doesn€™t take himself seriously at all. And that is my favourite quality about him. He recently played a big role in The Incredible Burt Wonderstone and, if you€™ve seen Mr Deeds, you know that he can be downright hilarious. The biggest strength in casting Buscemi is that he can play almost anything. He could be a hero or a villain. Or anything else in between. I even dare say that he could be an interesting Dr. Strange. But it needs to be kept in mind that the man is nearing his 60s and is probably in no mood to star in a franchise. Still he could definitely be a compelling villain. Maybe he could play Baron Mordo instead and then he wouldn€™t have to come back for a second round. Either way, Buscemi is very flexible and can be easily moulded to fit whatever Marvel need him for. So I would say there€™s definitely no reason why he can€™t show up somewhere along the way.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.