10 Actors Who Would Be Awesome In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

5. Charlize Theron As Ms Marvel

charlize theron ms marvel Now let me just say that I€™m not picking Charlize Theron because she€™s incredibly hot. If I was thinking that way I€™d just enter Kristen Bell ten times and leave it at that. No, Charlize Theron actually can act as well. She€™s got an impressive filmography and I even thought she did a good job with the limited material she got in Prometheus last year. Let's also not forget that said film showed she could kick some ass at times as well. Theron can also be highly dedicated...just look at Monster. Unless you have a little celebrity crush on her, in which case steer well clear of it. Many fans of The Avengers have been very vocal that we need a good looking Ms Marvel. After all, the casting of Kristen Dunst as Mary Jane in Spider-Man still gets complaints from time to time. This casting definitely can€™t be screwed up. Well here€™s an actress that looks the part and can probably play it too. It's about time we got a good female superhero but, let's face it, we're gonna need someone like Theron if we want that movie to make megabucks.
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Matthew Murray is an 19 year old film student in New Zealand. He is addicted to music, movies, gaming and television and spends his time feeding the obsession! When he is not writing about these things, he is lining up for these things, talking to people about these things and sitting around dreaming about these things.