10 Actors Whose Brilliant Moment Of Improvisation Landed Them The Role

2. Robert Downey Jr - Iron Man

Is there another actor alive who can get away with the sheer amount of off-script riffing that Robert Downey Jr. can on a scene-to-scene basis?

Apparently not, as the MCU's most important superhero was routinely allowed to improvise large sections of his dialogue and given the wriggle room to put his own stamp on any given moment he was a part of.

Marvel definitely knew what they were getting themselves in for when Downey Jr. signed up for the part, as he had routinely gone on record to reiterate his complete disregard for what was physically printed on a script and never was that more prevalent than in his original screen test for the role.

Through his subtle unplanned attachments to scenes (including inviting his co-star to try a crudite) or his ability to keep numerous on screen talents giggling by constantly churning out completely off-the-cuff zingers, Downey Jr. found himself in Tony Stark with awe-inspiring ease.

Seriously, when you watch back just how sharp and quick-witted Downey Jr. is in the attached screen test, it's incredible to think he was in fact terrified that he was going to blow the whole audition.

It's safe now to state that he didn't and a generation of MCU fans are thankful that he was given the free-reign to jest his way through not just his audition, but a countless number of the series' greatest scenes.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...