10 Actors Whose Careers TANKED After Winning Oscars

8. Halle Berry

Halle Berry Monster's Ball to Catwoman

Halle Berry won the Best Actress Oscar in 2002 for her superb performance in Monster's Ball, and while she's worked consistently in big-budget projects with name directors, how many of them have actually been any good?

The list of flops and disappointments goes on and on: Die Another Day, Catwoman (for which she won the Worst Actress Razzie), Perfect Stranger, Dark Tide, Movie 43, The Call, Kidnap, Kingsman: The Golden Circle, Kidnap, and most recently Moonfall.

Even the X-Men movies, for all their acclaim, gave her surprisingly little to do, and bar a show-stealing supporting appearance in the third John Wick, she's basically been massively wasted by Hollywood for the better part of the last two decades.

It's an especially troubling story given that Berry is still the only Black Best Actress winner in Oscar history, and so for her post-award career to be so lacklustre hits an especially sour note.

She's still working consistently at least, even if her career trajectory might need a rethink.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.