4. Bruce Willis

Some actors are like the flushing mechanisms on toilets. They go round and round and round, until the system finally sucks everything away and they disappear forever (please - go with this analogy). But flushing mechanism, like actors, get broken sometimes - and just when you think somebody is down and out for good, they're suddenly floating in the bottom of your toilet bowl, trying to convince you to go and see another movie. Or, you know,
not even bothering with the convincing bit. And yes, in case the lines got a little blurred there, I'm referring to Bruce Willis to a turd that just won't flush. Okay, so Willis has been agreeing to make just about anything he gets offered for a while now, but this year saw one of his most phoned-in filmic years ever: A Good To Die Hard, G.I. Retaliation and RED 2. All freakin' sequels. None of them worth a minute of your time. Worst of all, when he's supposed to be doing the press for these things, Bruce just spent his time insulting the presenters and being generally unenthused. You can quit, Bruce: we don't mind.