10 Actors Whose Credibility Suffered The Most In 2013

6 & 5. Owen Wilson & Vince Vaughn

The Internship The fact that we can now say "Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn were in that Google movie" pretty much explains why they've made it onto this list - once you're associated with a product like Google in such a blatant and so very unsubtle way, it's hard to get back from it. The Internship is the movie in question, of course, where two friends, played by real life friends Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn go to work at Google for a while. There's no debating the worth of a movie that didn't care how obvious it was in its intentions to be an advertisement, so I won't bother. As for Wilson and Vaughn, well... they just ended up looking like a couple of corporate stooges, phoning in two very typical characters for a quick buck. The fact that they were happy to go along with it is probably the most perplexing thing about The Internship, of course: surely they knew what people would say? Is there any getting back from such a movie, then? Sure there is: they're both likeable guys, and this doesn't have to stain the rest of their careers. I suppose you could argue that the pair don't have much of a career left anyway, so what's the use in worrying about all this in the first place, but that'd be mean.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.