10 Actors Whose Movies Eerily Foreshadowed Their Real Death

1. Heather O€™Rourke

The Curse of Superman, The Curse of the Dragon, and finally The Curse of Poltergeist. The 1982 horror movie may not quite manage to take the title of €˜most cursed movie ever made€™ (The Exorcist grabbed that accolade almost a decade earlier), but the brain trust behind next year€™s reboot might want to check their insurance is up to date. Sometimes said to be the direct result of a curse brought on by the use of real human skeletons in the first film, several cast members from the original Poltergeist trilogy died in relatively quick order, though the deaths of Julian Beck and Will Sampson due to cancer and a heart-lung transplant respectively were not unduly alarming. Dominique Dunn died aged 22 following a domestic dispute a few months after the release of Poltergeist, but while the circumstances were tragic it is probable that there would never have been any talk of a curse were it not for the death of 12-year-old Heather O€™Rourke. O€™Rourke passed away from septic shock in 1988 after a bowel obstruction prompted cardiac arrest €“ an unbearably sad and sudden end for a talented young actress. However, an incredibly unlikely moment of foreshadowing occurred via a random piece of set dressing; in the children€™s bedroom, a poster for Super Bowl XXII can clearly be seen despite the fact that this event wasn€™t due to take place for another six years. On that day €“ January 31, 1988 €“ Heather O€™Rourke was taken ill. She died a day later. Did we miss something? Creeped out and just want to reach out to someone? The comments section is all yours.

I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.