10 Actors Whose Movies Eerily Foreshadowed Their Real Death

3. Christopher Reeve

What with Lex Luthor rearing his bald head and Batman suiting up in battle armour, Superman has a lot to be worried about in the upcoming Dawn of Justice, but it could be argued that Henry Cavill has more reason to be concerned. Given that Ben Affleck emerged from 2006€™s Hollywoodland unscathed and has subsequently gone from strength to strength, perhaps the supposed €˜Curse of Superman€™ has lost some of its mojo in recent years (although Brandon Routh€™s agent might disagree). Nevertheless, the unfortunate fates that befell numerous actors after appearing in some iteration of Superman helped create one of Hollywood€™s more prominent superstitions. George Reeves €“ TV€™s original Supes €“ died of a gunshot wound in mysterious circumstances; Margot Kidder suffered a nervous breakdown brought on by bipolar disorder; and, most famously, Christopher Reeve was paralysed in a horse-riding accident in 1995. For many, the gallant, square-jawed Reeve will always be Superman, but his career beyond the cape was relatively subdued and largely confined to made-for-TV movies. In one such effort €“ Above Suspicion €“ Reeve played a supposedly paralysed police officer, and spent time researching the role and learning how to use a wheelchair at a rehabilitation hospital. Just two days after the movie was released, Reeve was rendered quadriplegic after being thrown from his horse during an equestrian event and endured numerous health complications thereafter before passing away in 2004.

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