10 Actors Whose Next Movie Might Be Their Best

7. Seth Rogen - The Fabelmans

Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy

Seth Rogen has certainly proven in recent years that he's far more than the stoner chuckle-head he's played so many times in broad comedy films.

From 50/50 to Steve Jobs, and most recently on TV series Pam & Tammy, Rogen has proven himself a skilled and empathetic dramatic performer, but his next film will take his Serious Acting work to a whole other level.

Rogen will next appear in Steven Spielberg's new film The Fabelmans, a coming-of-age drama based on the filmmaker's own early life growing up in Arizona.

Spielberg's keeping the specifics vague for now, but we know that Rogen will be playing protagonist Sammy's (Gabriel LaBelle) favourite uncle, and who many are speculating may foster young Sammy's own interest in filmmaking.

While we don't yet know exactly how big Rogen's role in the film will be, it's entirely possible Spielberg ends up directing him to a Best Supporting Actor nomination in the very least - if not a win.

Given Spielberg's obvious expertise at working with actors and getting the best out of them, it wouldn't be remotely surprising if Rogen scored the best reviews of his career for this role.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.