10 Actors Whose Next Movie Might Be Their Best

5. Daniel Radcliffe - Weird: The Al Yankovic Story

Oppenheimer Cillian Murphy
The Roku Channel

You have to hand it to Daniel Radcliffe - his post-Harry Potter career has been infinitely bolder and more interesting than anyone could've ever expected.

To name just a few roles, he's since played Allen Ginsberg (Kill Your Darlings), a demonically endowed young man (Horns), Igor (Victor Frankenstein), a dead body (Swiss Army Man), an FBI agent (Imperium), and a guy with guns bolted to his hands (Guns Akimbo).

The next natural step, then, is of course for Radcliffe to portray Weird Al Yankovic of all people, for the aptly-titled biopic Weird: The Al Yankovic Story.

Though it's absolutely fair to say that Radcliffe doesn't bear much of a natural physical resemblance to the legendary parody-musician, it's clear that Weird isn't going to be taking itself too seriously.

Between the fact that the ever-self-deprecating Yankovic penned the script himself and it's being produced by web comedy outfit Funny or Die, expect Weird to be an extremely self-aware - and, yes, weird - biopic that has fun toying with both genre tropes and the audience themselves.

The first official image of Radcliffe in full Weird Al regalia certainly makes him look the part, and if he pulls it off this could very well ensure that audiences never see the Potter star quite the same way ever again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.