10 Actors You Didn't Expect To Be Cast As Serial Killers

9.Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in 'American Psycho'

OK, I'll admit, this one fits well with hindsight and we can all see it now. But think about it at the time; that little kid from 'Empire of the Sun' grown up, having sex with prostitutes, killing them, and running around naked with a chainsaw. Bateman isn't even really your average serial killer, yes, he's methodical, scary and isolated in his own way but he's also a wealthy Wall Street yuppie who spends most of his day around around other wealthy Wall Street yuppies. The actor playing Bateman had to have an arrogance and sense of superiority as well as being physically fit and appealing which is in total opposition to the 'muttering under the breath whilst skinning animals in Mum's basement' sort of serial killer we're used to.

And did Bale pull it off? Of course he did. The role set him up for so many of his future films in so many ways. When you see Patrick Bateman being an arrogant ass in a suit it's not a stretch think Bruce Wayne or when he's working out he shows he can get fit for an action movie, there's the scene where he breaks down, the scenes where he runs around screaming and murdering, it's all a very good show-case for the man.

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Founder of the 'keep Josh Pence's face off our screens' campaign. Things are going very very well.