10 Actors You Didn't Know Are Banned From Countries

5. Richard Gere Is Banned From China For Supporting Tibet

Steven Seagal Threat To National Security

In addition to being a terrific actor, Richard Gere is perhaps the most outspoken performer in Hollywood where the Free Tibet movement is concerned, famously being banned from presenting at the Oscars for 20 years after he denounced the Chinese government while presenting at the 1993 Oscars.

This also resulted in Gere being permanently banned from China altogether, and the actor commented in recent years that Hollywood's increasing reliance on Chinese box office has caused studios to shy away from casting him in high-profile movies.

Basically, his decision to speak out against China in 1993 has had tectonic ramifications for his career ever since, causing him to gravitate towards more independent films, many of which have at least earned him critical acclaim.

Even today, almost 30 years later, Gere continues to fight for Tibetan independence, no matter that China's influence on Hollywood's decision-making continues to grow.

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Steven Seagal
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