10 Actors You Didn't Know Are Banned From Countries

3. Steven Seagal Is Banned From Ukraine For Being A "Threat To National Security"

Steven Seagal Threat To National Security
Saradan Media

Though Steven Seagal was a staple action star of '90s cinema, his profile fell off a cliff by the turn of the millennium, his contemporary filmography largely littered with rancid straight-to-VOD mulch.

In fact, Seagal's only recent activity to garner headlines is a spate of sexual harassment allegations amid the #MeToo movement, and the fact he ended up banned from Ukraine in 2017.

Seagal is personal friends with Russian President Vladimir Putin, was granted Russian citizenship in 2014, and even appointed a special diplomatic envoy to the U.S. in 2018. Like Gerard Depardieu, he has spoken positively of the Crimean annexation, even deeming Ukraine a country run by fascists.

Ukraine responded by banning Seagal from the country for at least five years - meaning the ban won't expire until May 2022 at the earliest - hilariously deeming him a "threat to national security."

The irony of all-American action hero Steven Seagal now being a stooge for an authoritarian Russian regime is almost too much to bear.

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Steven Seagal
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.