10 Actors You Didn't Know Have Signed Insane Sequel Deals

10. Sebastian Stan - Marvel Cinematic Universe

Captain America Civil War Bucky Sebastian Stan.jpg
Marvel Studios

Number Of Films: 9

In Total It seems kind of crazy that an actor whose name you might not even know has been contracted to appear in 9 Marvel Cinematic Universe movies - especially when most of the bigger named actors are only obliged to appear in three or four pictures. And yet that's what has happened with actor Sebastian Stan, who played the bland-ish villain of the title in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

So Marvel obviously have faith in both Stan and the character of Bucky Barnes (who later became the Winter Soldier) if they've signed him for so many movies. Still, that doesn't explain why they went as far as to sign him for a whopping 9 movies, a number which would take Stan - and the character - well into the year 2023, probably.

Then again: Marvel have planned out their franchise extensively, and there's a good chance that the studio are actually grooming Stan as a Captain American replacement for a time when Chris Evans is no longer part of the MCU. Which would make sense, as Barnes did ascend to Captain America status in the comic books.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.