10 Actors You Totally Forgot Were In Harry Potter Movies

1. Verne Troyer

Harry Potter Verne Troyer
Warner Bros.

By the time Griphook appeared in the final two films of the Harry Potter series, he was played by Warwick Davis, who brought a fearsome gravitas to the snarling, deceitful goblin. But he wasn't the first actor to play the character.

That honour went to Verne Troyer - best known as Mini Me in the Austin Powers movies - who appeared very briefly in The Philosopher's Stone when Harry and Hagrid visit Gringotts to retrieve Nicholas Flamel's magical gem. He ferries the pair through the bowels of the Bank and opens the door to the mysterious vault for Hagrid, before disappearing for six whole movies and undergoing a complete make-over.

Which other actors did you spot hiding in Harry Potter movies? Share your favourites below in the comments thread.

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