10 Actors You Won’t Believe Don’t Have Oscars

6. Amy Adams

American Hustle Amy Adams
Columbia Pictures

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride, Amy Adams is now the de facto successor to Leonardo DiCaprio€™s role as a perennial Oscar loser. Despite having been nominated for five Oscars, she has yet to win a single one. If she can keep going at that pace, in no time she€™ll be this generation€™s Glenn Close, who also has plenty of nominations and no wins.

Adams suffers from the same fate as so many talented actresses, she consistently gives great performances, but they€™re not quite the absolute best that year. But with a list of credits that includes Doubt, The Master, and American Hustle, at a certain point, luck is going to catch up with her.

In a film landscape where good female characters are extremely difficult to come by, Adams keeps finding them. And with her job as Lois Lane presumably paying the bills for the foreseeable future, she can focus on choosing challenging projects that are more likely to help her earn that elusive Oscar.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.