10 Actresses Who Can Play Thor On The Big Screen

4. A Dragon-Taming Queen - Emilia Clarke

The next actress on our list might not possess the physicality of some of the previous actresses, but her aptitude for portraying royalty in a fantasy world is indisputable. Emilia Clarke became a breakout star with her turn as Daenerys Targaryen in HBO€™s megahit series, Game of Thrones. Clarke managed to garner major pop culture attention with her performance as the cold-blooded dragon-taming queen. Marvel€™s cinematic interpretation of Thor€™s home world, Asgard, contains courtly intrigue similar to the Shakespearian feuds between the royal houses on Game of Thrones. The crossover between the two properties has already begun with Game of Thrones director Alan Taylor helming the latest standalone Thor feature, Thor: The Dark World. Should Marvel choose to continue this trend when it reboots Thor, Clarke is poised to transition seamlessly into the Marvel universe. Clarke might also help sway fans that are hesitant to embrace a female version of the character. She has the chops to gain the respect of her peers, earning an Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Role. On top of that, AskMen readers recently voted her as the Most Desirable Women in the World. If anyone can bring some mass appeal to the role, it€™s Clarke.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.