6. John Travolta
Age: 61 Oh Travolta - you were given a second chance at a decent Hollywood career with Pulp Fiction, and you blew it. For the past few years, it's been nothing but crappy movie after crappy movie, culminating in two embarrassing Oscars ceremony appearances in a row that had his name trending on Twitter just because so many people were talking about how weird he'd become. A glimpse at a better, more confident kind of Travolta was last seen in The Taking Of Pelham 123 and From Paris With Love, even if those films weren't exactly masterpieces. Still, buzzing the dome, embracing his dark side and tapping into something gritty and real worked wonders for JT in those films - he certainly looked more at home than he has done elsewhere in some time. Who knows, maybe the Travolta of the days of Face/Off and Get Shorty is ready to make a return to dependable action cinema. Let's just hope he ditches the wig, then it might be a bit easier to take him seriously as a star again.