10 Aging Actors Who Could Totally Pull Off An Action Comeback

5. Michael Biehn

Age: 58 For a short time, it looked as though Michael Biehn might become a real, lasting action star - James Cameron, for one, obviously already believed he was, seeing as he cast Biehn in three of his own actioners in the '80s. Biehn was unique among the '80s action set in that he had an air of sensitivity and subtlety about him. Unfortunately, starring in three of Cameron's films didn't translate to long-term success - it's almost 30 years since Aliens, and only now is Neill Blomkamp looking to have Biehn star in a sequel, making Blomkamp's upcoming Alien film Biehn's first real high-profile role for ages. If geri-action cinema teaches anything, though, it's that it's never too late. Liam Neeson had spent a lifetime in more 'serious' dramatic roles before he suddenly switched to the action genre in his mid-50s, introducing him to a whole new crowd of cinema-goers. Biehn is at least more obviously suited to the genre than Neeson, and a combination of nostalgia and Biehn nailing his part in the new Alien film could bring him back into the fold as an elder statesman of action cinema.

Lover of film, writer of words, pretentious beyond belief. Thinks Scorsese and Kubrick are the kings of cinema, but PT Anderson and David Fincher are the dashing young princes. Follow Brogan on twitter if you can take shameless self-promotion: @BroganMorris1