5. I Am Legend - Dark Seekers Aren't Evil, Neville Lives
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOWeyGX5Bgk And here's an exception to the rule of this list; here's an alternate ending that was actually happier and more optimistic, as well as being much more faithful to the entire point of the source material. In the original ending, Robert Neville (Will Smith) is confronted by the Dark Seekers, and seeing no way out of his predicament, detonates a grenade while running towards his enemies, killing everyone in a gigantic explosion, while his fellow survivors are able to get to safety. The original ending, however, is much more thoughtful; Neville observes the Dark Seekers about to apparently attack him, then notices that they are not the emotionless, psychopathic animals he has been assuming they are. They clearly care for one another, and when the penny drops, Neville is shocked and moved. He leaves with the mother and son survivors, and they try to start a new life. The point of this ending is that it ties directly into the story's title; all this time, it is Smith's character who has been a legend to the Dark Seekers, a boogeyman of sorts, given humanity's lack of number compared to the countless Dark Seekers. The social commentary of this ending - that to destroy what one cannot understand is wrong - is deeply cutting, but apparently studios lacked sufficient faith in audiences to go with it.
Shaun Munro
Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.
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