10 Alternate Endings To 2019 Movies You Almost Saw

1. Tony’s Afterlife - Avengers: Endgame

Avengers Endgame Ending
Marvel Studios

The Ending We Got

As if you need reminding, Avengers: Endgame ends with Tony Stark finally proving that he was the one to lie on the wire, sacrificing himself to snap his fingers and kill Thanos.

He dies and we get to see a memorial service held in his honour after we see a message he recorded before his death in the event that he didn't make it back. Cue floods of tears for about a month.

The Ending We Almost Saw

In the highly publicised alternate ending that was scrapped and eventually ended up released on Disney+, we saw Tony transported to the afterlife immediately after snapping his fingers. There he meets his daughter Morgan, all grown-up, who tells him she turns out okay and his sacrifice was worth it because he was the right man to do it.

Here's the scene...

Thank goodness it wasn't kept in.

What do you think of these alternate endings? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.


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