10 Alternate Horror Movie Deaths You Didn't Get To See

10. Isaac Burns To Death - Final Destination 5

Alien move
Warner Bros. Pictures

The Final Destination series is no stranger to alternate deaths for its characters. Hell, the third movie even had a gimmick on the DVD where viewers could pick which version of a death they wanted to see in real time. Like a choose-your-own-adventure game, but where you decide how viciously you want to burn a couple of women to death.

The one we're focusing on today though comes in the final - and severely underrated - instalment. The death here is granted to Isaac, who's otherwise enjoying a nice spot of acupuncture. Of course, he doesn't know he's in a Final Destination movie but the audience does, so we know having all those pins embedded in his body will not end well.

However, his death in the theatrical cut is a classic bait and switch. It's not the needles in his skin that kill him - or even the fire accidentally ravaging the room - but a falling bust of Buddha that caves his head in from a nearby shelf.

It's mostly played for laughs, but his alternate death was far more savage. It's mostly the same, but it finishes with Isaac becoming engulfed by the flames and burning to death, his screams echoing out across the room.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3