10 Alternate Star Wars Movie Scenes We Almost Got To See

1. So Many Force Ghosts - The Rise Of Skywalker

rise of skywalker rey

The drama surrounding what would eventually become the finished version of the final chapter in the Skywalker Saga makes for a seriously intriguing study even just a few years on from its arrival.

Judging from an online leak, brought into existence not long after the film made its bow, director JJ Abrams most definitely didn't have things all his own way when it came to a number of significant plot points.

In particular, Abrams wasn't a fan of Rey and Kylo's smooch in ROS. However, there's no questioning that the biggest missed opportunity to come out of this rocky relationship with Disney was the dropping of a scene that would've likely been immortalised in cinematic history.

Said sequence, which was reportedly shot, would've involved Rey being backed up by the Force Ghosts of Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu, with Hayden Christensen, Ewan McGregor, and Samuel L. Jackson all reprising, respectively, during her battle with the resurrected Emperor. Instead of just using their voices in the duel we would've very much seen the glowing lads!

There's no word on exactly why the scene was binned, making the fact that it was that much harder to swallow for those who had to endure a rather limp finale to a 40+ year epic tale.

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