10 Alternate Star Wars Movie Scenes We Almost Got To See

2. A Fitting Stormtrooper Callback - The Last Jedi

rise of skywalker rey

The wonderful world expertly crafted in the early set of features that later inspired two further trilogies didn't just come packed with some of the most explosive action and edge-of-your-seat drama ever pumped into a blockbuster cinema experience. It was also a bit of a laugh too.

Perhaps the moment that sticks out as arguably the best side-splitting sequences in that Original Trilogy went down during our heroes' attempt to rescue Princess Leia from the clutches of the Empire on the Death Star in a New Hope. Who didn't crack a smirk or a gleeful chuckle when Han Solo and Chewie rushed into a room full of Stormtroopers, only to realise how badly out-gunned they were and sprint back in the opposite direction. Classic.

Well, as something of a nod to that iconic change of plan, The Last Jedi very nearly unleashed a fun callback to the exchange on Sequel-watchers. The never-filmed scene would've seen Finn, Rose, BB-8, and DJ stumble into a room full of First Order troopers, only to realise that they were actually just empty costumes hanging on a rack on their way to be cleaned.

Silly, sure? But no sillier than Force-flying through space, I suppose...

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...