10 Alternate Star Wars Movie Scenes We Almost Got To See

5. Padme Goes To Stab Her Beloved - Revenge Of The Sith

rise of skywalker rey

The rather tense closing stages that were the Prequel-concluding scenes on Mustafar in Revenge of the Sith didn't exactly come under-equipped in the symbolism department.

Perhaps the most notable on-the-nose visual to come out of Anakin and Obi-Wan's gruelling battle amidst the flames was the sight of the latter literally taking the high ground moments before his rotten former-padawan foolishly went to finish the day. In an early piece of concept art uncovered in the wake of the film's eventual release, though, it's made clear that Lucas was once hellbent on shoehorning even more meaning-packed punches into this conclusion.

Far from just begging Anakin to come back to the light, Padme is seen brandishing a knife as she looks intent on stabbing her love in the back, in more ways than one, in a last-ditch attempt to stave off the horrors heading the galaxy's way.

Concept artist Ian McCaig has since revealed that though Padme would've come armed to do the deed, it would've been too hard for her to follow through with the killing of her lover-turned-Sith. But it would've at least made for a more compelling addition to the soap opera that unfolded on that fiery dock.

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