10 Alternate Star Wars Movie Scenes We Almost Got To See

3. Obi-Wan Kenobi And Luke Skywalker Have A Catch-Up - The Last Jedi

rise of skywalker rey

Perhaps one of the only moments just about every Star Wars can agree on when it comes to the eighth Episode of the Skywalker Saga comes in the form of the return of everyone's favourite little green Jedi Master.

Reverting back to the heart-warming puppet work of old, Frank Oz's outstanding revival of Yoda forced a smile onto the face of just about everyone who took in the divisive flick. Yet, it wasn't always set in stone that it would be only Yoda who returned in Force Ghost form during the feature.

As Rian Johnson himself admitted to The Playlist, the director had mulled over the possibility of bringing back Luke's old master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for a little pep talk. However, the fact that Ewan McGregor's Kenobi had never actually interacted with Hamill's Luke made for a clunky visual in the director's eyes and just didn't make sense the more he thought about it.

Much like Anakin popping up via Force Ghost in the Sequels to converse with Luke, it would have been difficult to convincingly portray an emotional connection between versions of characters we've never seen interact together before. But it would've still likely been something to behold, regardless.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...