10 Alternative Best Picture Oscar Film Winners Of The Last Decade

4. 2018: The Favorite

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Fox Searchlight

There's a reason Olivia Colman won the Oscar for Best Actress while Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone both received Best Supporting Actress nominations for their otherworldly performances in the joint most nominated film of 2018; The Favourite.

On the other hand, there aren't a great number of reasons contractors can argue as to why this black comedy period showpiece didn't win Best Picture in 2019.

Against the backdrop of the merciless social joust to be the Court "favorite" of Colman's scowling Queen Anne, Stone and Weisz display utter command of their mind boggling range of satirical, double crossing traits.

The two warring court residents treat the game of loyalty like some sort of gladiatorial contest and all of this makes for a completely captivating spectacle. The two supreme actresses demonstrate that they are quite literally willing to eat their competition in order to gain an iota of approval, resulting in scenes where the viewer is unsure as to whether they should be rolling on the floor laughing or gobsmacked with absolute horror.

Combining incomparable dark humour with superlative, engrossing period drama, Yorgos Lanthimos makes the most out of his supernaturally talented cast and then some. Colman turns in her personal highlight of an already illustrious career; she's come a long way since the days of Peep Show.

Meanwhile, the actual 2019 winner for Best Picture, Green Book, was bombarded with widespread criticism stemming from their purported white savior narrative and alleged embellishments to the story of Don King and Tony Lip.

Go figure.

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Oscars 2022
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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.