10 Alternative Best Picture Oscar Film Winners Of The Last Decade

3. 2019: 1917

Oscars three billboards sound of metal

It is not hyperbole to state that Sam Mendes' 1917 is one of the most revolutionary war films ever made.

Consisting of just two continuous shots in a never-before-seen format, the WWI epic sees two British soldiers navigate the blood-soaked trenches of wartime France in a desperate race against time to prevent the massacre of a British force, containing the elder brother of one of the soldiers.

The emotional weight of the soldier's assignment results in the rawest displays of human emotion imaginable from leading men George McKay and Dean Charles Chapman as Mendes brings the ungodly abysses of trench warfare to abhorrent life.

The manner in which the film is shot results in complete and utter immersion, leaving the viewer feeling as though they are being funneled inevitably towards the gates of hell. Whether they are sprinting at full tilt through the devastation of No Man's Land or creeping through the dread soaked silence of the hideously war-torn landscape, the viewer is with the protagonists every Hadean step of the way.

Eventual winner Parasite is another notably groundbreaking film, an utterly deserving winner in any other year.

However, 1917 is an absolutely undeniable goliath, evoking every emotion physically possible across the course of the film's 119 minute run time while the backdrop blows your mind with the force of a howitzer. One of those films that you can only bear to watch once, but where the stunning quality will remain with you for the rest of your days.

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Oscars 2022
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Law graduate with a newly rediscovered passion for writing, mad about film, television, gaming and MMA. Can usually be found having some delightful manner of violence being inflicted upon him or playing with his golden retriever.